+353 874410811

Technology Grant

The Hoofpick Foundation provides grants for equestrians to invest in their business and community.

The Technology Grant covers the following costs:

  • Development, publication and hosting of mobile applications.
  • Development and hosting of websites.
  • Monthly subscription fee for unlimited access to the Hoofpick CREME (Customer Relationship and Enterprise Management for Equestrians) platform.
  • Support and training on the use of technology in business and the CREME platform (a required minimum of 4 x 1 hour sessions per annum), as well as continuous direct one to one support as desired.

The Hoofpick Foundation covers 100% of these costs. The exact amount, or value, of each grant varies depending on the nature of the equestrian business applying.

Typically an equestrian enterprise that utilises all aspects of the CREME platform receives a grant equivalent to £6000 / €7000 for initial mobile app and website development and publication costs, as well as an ongoing £400 / €470 per month to cover their subscription to the Hoofpick CREME platform.

Apply Now.